MUSIVUS Patricia Sucena de Almeida/Ian Pace
Music today on the first and second person
mūsīvus, a, um, adj. musa, de ou da pertença das musas, artístico
—Como subst.: mūsīvum, i, n., = μουσεῖον, trabalho em mosaico, mosaico
Project MUSIVUS organizes, in an informal context, a conversation between a composer and a performer, open to the public, that take place at the Auditório Maestro Frederico de Freitas, at Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores, na Av. Duque de Loulé, 31, Lisbon, twice a month.
The theme of these sessions focuses the work of an invited composer to be discussed and performed by a invited performer. The main objective of this project is to create a perspective dialogue between creation and interpretation of contemporary vanguard music. At the end of the session, the performer will present the discussed work.